Here's to Twenty Sixteen
I've never been one to set new year's resolutions. I may have an idea of a couple of things I want to do to improve upon in the new year, but I never go as far as writing them down... mainly because writing them down means I have to stick to them. And, let's all be honest, life gets crazy sometimes, which makes accomplishing all of those fancy resolutions quite difficult to do. As I reflect on 2015 and what it meant for this business, I am so excited and encouraged by all that has taken place... which makes me even more excited for what is in store in 2016. I have so many plans for where I want this to go and what I want to accomplish, that I decided to actually take the plunge and write them down. Which means I actually have to stick to them. Which means I can't use "life getting crazy" as an excuse. Scary. In order to hold myself even more accountable to sticking to these goals, I'm going to share them with you so that all of you (or the four other members of my family who might actually read this) can make sure I stick to them. So, here it goes...
- Blog more. I kind of get nervous to actually hit the "Save & Publish" button on blogs. In case you haven't noticed, I'm a bit of a perfectionist. What if I made a typo or a grammar mistake? What if someone takes offense to something I write? What if what I was trying to say doesn't make any sense whatsoever? What if no one cares what I have to say? These and many other questions constantly run through my mind as I'm writing a post. My goal is to overcome those fears and write at least one blog post every month... because I know that if I do make a mistake, my mom will let me know and I have the power to actually go in a fix it. :)
- Research ways to promote my business and do it. I am not, nor will I ever claim to be "business savvy." I started as a marketing major at Butler University, thinking I wanted to be an event planner. Well, one semester of that was enough for me, and I quickly switched to Elementary Education... much better fit! I don't know what it is, but when I hear someone talking "business," I start to get a little sweaty and my brain just stops having the ability to form coherent thoughts. Not a good sign for someone who just entered the entrepreneurial world. So, I'm going to try and train my brain to learn and *hopefully* comprehend a few new things about how to grow and sustain your own business. If you don't see goal #1 happening, it is safe to say that my brain just quit on me.
- Book more clients. I think it goes without saying that, if I don't actually book any clients, then I'm not going to make any money or grow my business. I managed to take that away from my one semester of business classes. :) Up to this point, my clients have all been people I know. I am not complaining about this AT ALL! It has been so encouraging to see that other people in my life are actually willing to pay me to help them get organized. It has also given me a chance to get my feet wet and learn my style and the best ways in which I communicate and work with clients. So to all of you who have had faith in me, THANK YOU!! My goal for 2016 is to book a few clients with whom I have had no previous contact. How do I do this? I have no clue. :) See goal #2.
- Be authentic to who I am and use this business to glorify God. One of the best pieces of advice I received from others when I was planning to start an organizing business was to be authentic. One person said it is really hard to start, grow, and maintain a business if you aren't true to who you are because you are the business. So... if my business isn't a reflection of who I am, then it isn't serving it's purpose. I am a Christ-follower and a Jesus-lover. I want Organizing by Allison to reflect that. When I meet a new client or take on a new project, I want what I say and what I do to honor the Lord. He has blessed me with a gift and a passion, and I want to use that to bring glory to Him.
Thank you so, so much to everyone who has encouraged and supported me on this journey so far. I wouldn't be able to do it without you! Here's to twenty sixteen!